Police Chaplain

    Rev. Nicholas T. Fleming

    Rev. Nicholas T. Fleming




    Chaplain Assistance


    At times, incidents and calls for service occur which where the presence of the Police Chaplain is needed in order to provide counsel, social and spiritual guidance, and religious ministrations to the police department employees, their families, and citizens of the community.



    •Respond to spiritual or pastoral counseling requests for department employees and their families.

    •Assist department officials in providing death or serious injury notifications.

    •Respond to hospitals when incidents of on-duty serious injury or death of employees occur and perform ministerial duties as appropriate.

    •Visit sick or injured employees at their home or place of confinement.

    •Participate in a funeral or memorial services for active or retired employees of the department and assist family members in preparation of funeral arrangements if requested.

    •Respond to the site of major incident, emergency or disaster.

    •When requested, attend departmental promotion functions, award ceremonies, dinners, social events, graduation ceremonies, and offer the invocation and benediction.

    •Convene periodic meetings for Chaplains to discuss subjects of mutual interest.

    •When requested, attend departmental staff meetings.

    •Perform other services that may be required by the Chief of Police

    •All services performed by the department Chaplain will be in conformance with department directives.




    The Police Chaplain can be reached through the Administration Captain of the Coventry Police Department.