On behalf of the men and women of the Coventry Police Department, welcome to our website and thank you for taking the time to read about us. My hope, through our website, is to have you learn more about the Department and our approach to working with the community to achieve our goal of fulfilling the law enforcement needs of the people. You will also gain an understanding of the various Divisions within the Department, the services we provide, and how to access important information.
Our mission is to protect and connect with the community we serve, enhance public safety, and reduced the incidents and fear of crime. I feel that community problems are often best addressed by working in partnership with citizens; therefore, the Coventry Police Department will continually strive to improve public relations and increase public confidence. We aim to accomplish this all while maintaining our core values of honor, strength, and integrity.
Finally, I want to acknowledge and thank the dedicated and committed sworn and civilian members of the Coventry Police Department who serve you daily. Without their hard work our goals would not be attainable.
Thank you for visiting our website.
Frederick J. Heise III
Chief of Police